AVK Malaysia Offers Virtual Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
For many of our customers, factory acceptance testing (FAT) is essential. This process allows the participants of the FAT to witness the successful operation and pressure-test of the valves. AVK Malaysia can carry out FAT at its facility in Klang for valves up to DN 1600. 23-09-2021
Due to strict restrictions – and general limitations on gathering – carrying out FATs has been challenging during the COVID pandemic. However, AVK Malaysia has implemented an innovative solution: carry out FATs virtually.
By using several cameras, wireless headsets, and Microsoft Teams software, stakeholders can participate in an FAT from the comfort of their office (or anywhere else). By using more than one camera a customer can monitor test pressure, whilst also being able to see the valve being opened or closed. Using a wireless headset, AVK staff can guide and explain to the customer what actions are being taken, and what they are seeing. The entire FAT can even be recorded and kept in the cloud for easy access and sharing.
Customers have taken well to virtual FAT and appreciate this alternative to visiting AVKs facility in person.